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Line Of Dance

Direction of travel around the floor.

Line Of Dance (LOD) is the direction of travel for partner and couples dances that progress around the dance floor. This direction is counter-clockwise. Reverse Line Of Dance (RLOD) is the opposite direction, or clockwise.

The Dreaded Second Wall

The four walls of line dance.

The pattern for each line dance is repeated until the song is over. Every time the dance begins with the start of the pattern, you will be facing one of four directions. This is called the "wall" or, sometimes, the "corner."

For some reason, it is a common experience among dancers that learning the same pattern facing a new direction, or new wall, is almost like learning a new dance. This is the dreaded second wall. Now you know.

Splitting The Floor

Making space for two line dances.

Splitting the floor is when two different line dances are done to the same song at the same time. This is most often done when there is an easy dance and an intermediate dance for the same song. The DJ will announce that one dance will be done on one side of the dance floor and the other will be done on the other side. In other words, the floor is split between the two (or more) dances. This lets the people doing the same dance get together on the dance floor, and helps to eliminate collisons between two different dances. Another reason this is done is if there is more than one very popular dance being done to a particular song.


Here's the scoop.

In line dance, the term vanilla means doing the dance the way the choreographer intended. In other words, the dancer executes the dance exactly the way it is choreographed. In some competitions, dancers are allowed to 'show off' by adding variations of their own making to the line dance. The judges evaluate this as a part of the score they give the dancer for the competition. However, the dancer is usually required to do the dance exactly the way it is choreographed for the first two or four walls. This demonstrates that he or she knows the dance and can execute the steps. Doing the dance without adding anything extra is to do it vanilla.


Greenhorn Junction

Information for those new to line dance.

The information on this page will help you know what to expect when you start learning line dances. Remember that every line dancer started out as a beginner. We know what its like and we're all pulling for you.

Here are some easy tips to help get you started.


Pick and Click an article to read more.

Two Questions For A Dance Lesson


A dance lesson should answer at least two questions about the dance or move you are learning. These two questions are related to the fundamental components of dance: position, timing, and styling. Position is where your body is supposed to be, timing is when it is supposed to be there, and styling is how you get it there.

How's It Start?


Did you forget that dance that you loved during lessons when you actually got a chance to do it? Here are a couple tricks that might help you remember your favorite dances. First, pick a dance that you really like. And then...

More To Come!


Let us know if you found something that surprised you when you started learning more about dance that you would like to share. Or perhaps you have a question or topic you would like to know more about. In any event, keep an eye on this page, as we add more information you can use.