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Line Of Dance

Direction of travel around the floor.

Line Of Dance (LOD) is the direction of travel for partner and couples dances that progress around the dance floor. This direction is counter-clockwise. Reverse Line Of Dance (RLOD) is the opposite direction, or clockwise.

Splitting The Floor

Making space for two line dances.

Splitting the floor is when two different line dances are done to the same song at the same time. This is most often done when there is an easy dance and an intermediate dance for the same song. The DJ will announce that one dance will be done on one side of the dance floor and the other will be done on the other side. In other words, the floor is split between the two (or more) dances. This lets the people doing the same dance get together on the dance floor, and helps to eliminate collisons between two different dances. Another reason this is done is if there is more than one very popular dance being done to a particular song.


Dance Floor Etiquette

Be on your best behavior!

As you might guess, dance floor etiquette is the collection of simple, polite behaviors that make dancing a more pleasant experience for everyone. Here we outline a few of the things you should know when you are out on the dance floor.

First, the dance floor is a shared space.

There are usually several people on the floor at the same time. Sometimes the floor may be crowded. So you may have to curtail your dancing somewhat. Line dances are usually done in the center of the floor, while fixed pattern partner dances and progressive dances (such as the Two Step or Waltz) are done around the outside of the dance floor. Be aware of others' dance space. Leave room for others to dance. If you should accidentaly cross paths with another dancer, simply apologize sincerely, no matter whose fault it may be. Usually, you will find the other dancer does the same.


Second, the dance floor is for dancing.

Ideally, you should only be out on the floor when you are dancing. Standing on the floor and talking is generally not a good idea while music is playing and other dancers are dancing. If you are giving or getting a lesson while others are not, consider moving off to the side (or off the floor altogether if you have that option) so you are not in the way of others.


Last (but not least), dancing is for fun.

Although this may seem obvious, sometimes we forget. Don't let little mis-steps or mishaps upset you. Remember, you're there to have a good time. Others are on the dance floor to have a good time, also.


If you keep these things in mind, dancing will be more enjoyable for everyone involved.